What should I do if my lesson videos won't play?

  1. Check your browser.

TotalCoach Athlete is a web application. We recommend using Safari or Google Chrome as your default browser as slow-motion videos may not render correctly in other browsers. Make your coach aware if slow-motion videos take too long to load. Coaches will often create slow-motion videos that are too long because they are the same length as regular videos. A slow-motion video should last no more than 20 seconds for effective viewing.

  1. Check that you are connected to a Wi-Fi network or cellular data.

TotalCoach Athlete is a web application that needs to be connected to the internet for your videos to appear in the app. Check that you are connected to a cellular or Wi-Fi network. If you are still unsure, read the following article what to do if your device won't connect to the internet.

  1. Switch on Aeroplane Mode.

Switching the device to Aeroplane Mode and then immediately switching it off forces your device to reconnect to either a previously connected Wi-Fi network or your preferred cellular network.

  1. Check with your coach.

TotalCoach Athlete is a cloud-based application. This means it requires an internet connection for videos and other content to be uploaded by your coach into your lesson. If you have checked that you are connected to the internet and you haven't received any lesson content, we recommend you get in contact directly with your coach.

Last updated