How do I add weekly classes to my public booking page?

Programmes should only be used if you know all of the times and dates for a service, for example an after school class which occurs every Wednesday at 4:30 for 10 weeks.

To add a regular weekly class to your booking page follow the steps below:

  1. Select Add new service – the purple button on the side bar.

  2. Select Service type: Programme

  3. Enter a service name – If it's for a certain type of client we recommend you add that to the title for example Junior beginners.

  4. Select payment method – Require payments via app or Allow outside app payments

  5. Switch Bookable by everyone visiting your booking page to Yes

  6. Set the day, start time, and start date, and choose whether you want your client to Pay for all occurrences at once or pay as they go - either way, all of the days and times you select will be blocked out for them in your calendar:

  7. The service will appear in your calendar immediately - your calendar is now blocked and no one else can book at this time. The participant counter will show as 0/8 if no one has booked yet:

  8. The Junior beginners programme will now be displayed on your public booking page:

  9. When the client has booked, the tile will turn from yellowe to green and the participant counter will change from 0/8 to 1/8.

  10. Both coach and client will receive a confirmation email:

  11. If you want to invite clients you can select Invite clients from the service in the calendar:

  12. Or you can invite clients from the participant manager on the lesson page:

    You can select an existing client to invite, or enter the email address of a new client to invite them:

  13. If you want to create a similar service for different dates or clients, you could go to your services page, find the service you just made under Programmes and select the Copy button. The information will be auto-filled, you just need to change the fields that need changing, so this is a time saver.

Last updated