Advanced service: create recurring lessons with pre-set start times clients can book individually

This article will show you how to add recurring services with a set start time that your clients can book and pay for individually.

Advanced Service-Progamme with a set start time.

  1. Select the Add service quick link in the sidebar to add a new service.

  1. Select Programme for the service type from the pre-made options or enter a new service type.

  2. Create a Service name for your service.

  1. Enter the Maximum number of participants for your service. Multiple participants will determine that the service is now a Group lesson.

  1. Set the Duration of the service you are providing.

  1. Enter the Price per lesson, or if there are multiple participants, enter the price per person.

  1. When selecting Programme as the service type, you must specify the number of Occurrences.

  1. Choose a Colour and an Icon for your service to help you identify it in the calendar.

  1. Select the Staff member(s) that clients can choose from to perform this service, or allocate a single staff member to the service.

  1. Choose the Location where the selected staff will provide their services.

  1. Select your Tax rate from your premade rates in Settings or select No tax.

  1. Select any Resources you may need to carry out this service.

  1. Tap the Advanced button, then select the option for Yes for Do you want to set the start time(s) for the service?

  1. Add any Additional Staff required to perform the service.

  1. Select the Yes option for Does this service repeat?

  1. Select either Regular or Irregular for Does this service occur at a regular or irregular frequency?

  1. Select how often the service Repeats, for example every week. Select the specific day(s) the service repeats on.

  2. Select when the service Starts, and when it Ends.

Note: the number of Occurrences is prefilled based on your choice in step 7. If you change the value in this section, the value in step 7 will also change to match.

  1. You will see a list of Scheduled days when the service will be available for your clients to book. Ensure Clients must pay all occurrences at once is set to No.

  2. You can choose if you want to Require clients to pay via the app - if this step is set to No clients will have the option to pay you directly or pay via the app. If this step is set to Yes, then clients can only pay you via the app.

  3. Set Use this service to add lessons to your calendar to Yes.

  4. Select Yes, Publish this service to your public website.

  5. Finally, tap Create service to publish the new service to your public website.

  1. This is how your service will appear via your public booking website. Your client will select the Service of their choice, select and Date and Time, and then pay for the service.

  1. Your client will receive an email confirming their booking with you. The future booking also appears under their Activity feed on their homepage and the in-app Calendar.

Last updated